Atlanta Film Studios
Atlanta Film Studios Available
57,000 sf 25,000 sf and our 24,000 sf film studios available in Atlanta Georgia.
Our Atlanta Filmworks Studio and both of our Studio Space Atlanta / Studio Space Atlanta WEST facilities were created specifically for the film studio demand in Atlanta Georgia. Whether you need a large 57,000 sf studio complete with a mill, stage and production offices or a 2,000-25,000 sf production facility with a green, white and black cyc walls for interviews, we have you covered.
For the past 15 years we have catered to the best film and TV production Atlanta has to offer . Atlanta Filmworks Studios recently hosted the complete 4 seasons of AMC’s brilliant show “Halt and Catch Fire” as well as Lodge 49, Tales of the Walking Dead and 2 other not yet released. AMC utilized our production facility in it entirety including the building’s 20,000 sf soundproof column free soundstage, our additional 20,000 sf mill and extra stage space and the ample 16,000 sf of production office space. Our Studio Space Atlanta and WEST facilities has hosted over 20,000 productions over the past 15 years including the top most artist in the music industry as well as interviews for large reality shows such as “Real Housewives of Atlanta”, “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta”, “Hollywood Hillbillies”, “Single Ladies” and many many more.
For more info on Atlanta FIlmworks click- Atlanta Filmworks Studio. For more info on Studio Space Atlanta please explore the current site you are on.